I pray God lets me see. From the warrior, to the war in her. At battle with the passion for her own desires and of her family. Friends, Family, everywhere in between. Inside out. Out of place, drives her a little over. Over, to another lesson. In love with the life she is living. She is a tightrope walker. Balancing, the weight. Shoulders tight, nose runny. Illness is an ugly world. Much like hate and loathing. Fund to say, that is all... That my life is all. May I see myself. In you, through you, to you. Balance that. Grace, Love, Power. Power of the one. One who, is me. I am, self. I am determined to live. For my desires are yours. My passion, be you. Or as close as I can be. At the hem of your garment. Sew with love. Create with honor. Make the life I live be. Meaningfully showing life with grace. To be me.
When I get stressed out I try to keep breathing and be productive instead of wallowing in my own self pity. Lately my patience has been running on fumes and I have been struggling in the muck. Fighting my urge to just sit on the couch and get to sucked into whatever is on the screen, I made dip. A hummus to be exact. I think it turned out really well and my son and I have been eating on it the last few days. It is officially kid test and mother approved.
To make this dip you will need... 1 C Black Beans (Canned is fine just drain and rinse) 1 C Chickpeas / Garbanzo Beans(Canned is fine just drain and rinse) 3 Cloves garlic 1 T Tahini (Recipe at bottom) 1/3 C Olive oil 1 Dried pepper minced or 1 T of red pepper flake (yours choice of heat) Salt to taste ( I used about 1 teaspoon) Once you have drained and rise beans, puree in food processor / blender with 1/2 of the oil. Once smooth add Tahini, pulse a few times then add remaining ingredients. Puree once more until everything is incorporated then serve with pita chips or veggies. Tahini 1 C Sesame Seeds 1/4 - 1/3 C Olive oil Toast sesame seeds until light brown. Add olive oil and puree until smooth.
This post is going to be a rant, if you don't want to read it I suggest you stop now. For those of you that don't mind here is what is going on in my life right now. My husband and I have been approved for a VA Loan, we have looked at over 30 houses and have been beat out by other offers three times now. We have found a house we love and it needs a lot of work. However we are completely willing to do all the work and are ready to pay full asking price and accept this house as-is. Due to restrictions from the approval process during VA appraisal it will never pass the inspection. I am beyond frustrated right now. I understand that the VA is trying to do a service for our military families to provide safe housing but I would think if you are knowingly willing to complete any unfinished work or repair you know what your getting into. I am trying very hard to look at this as a sign from God that this is not the right house for us. But the way the housing market is going and how fast "move in ready" houses are going, we are going to end up paying a lot more then we want. With that said, we are continuing to look at more houses today. I pray that I will go into each house with a clear and level head and move on from the ones we will never get. I pray for confidence on our decisions and peace when we find the one god has in his will for us. Aside from trying to find our new home, my husband is working three hours away during the week (at least he is working) and my son is going through some pretty wicked tantrums right now. I am not sure if my patience has ever been tested so much at once. ~Kristen