September 22, 2013

Enjoying the season

I have gotten to a point in my adult life where I am trying to enjoy the season I am in and make the best of what I do have and the people I am sharing it with. I always struggle, but nothing worth working toward will be as sweet without a few hiccups along the way. Autumn is now here and we are still not in a house. We got close but it fell through after waiting for 3 months for a word from the bank. Frustrated, but kind of relieved. I was not in love with that house and now I know it was just not the right one for us. So we are still looking for a house and I have a goal to be in before the new year!

So with buying a house comes a lot of waiting. When I am waiting and get bored or anxious I tend to bake.I have not been feeling very creative lately for many reasons but still like to change things up a bit when I can. Most recently I had been making Zucchini bread, thanks to a lovely friend that gave me some awesome Zucchini. My recipe makes two medium sized loaves so we have been trying to get in the habit of eating one and freezing the other for later in the year. Good thing too because between my husband, son and I we can finish a loaf before it is even cooled.

I have gotten my recipe that way I like it now for the basic bread, so I have been trying to add things to it now. Raisin and walnuts are always good and most recently ginger. I use 1/4 cup dried pieces of ginger that have been cut up finely, then just stir into the batter before pouring into the pan. It is not too intense but adds a little kick to the bread. I highly recommend you try it!

Here is a link for my Basic Zucchini Bread  recipe to try for yourself. We also like to top with a little butter and or honey.

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