July 18, 2013

Toasted Coconut

I love using coconut in different foods and treats. We use coconut oil for just about everything in our house but I am still learning to work with actual coconut. We live in a place where they really don't grow so I don't get many fresh coconuts. The other part is that I don't know what I am doing, but then again I usually make things up as I go anyway. So from one maker to another, just go with it!

I have dried coconut in the dehydrator once before, but have never tried toasting coconut until now. You can click the Dehydrated Coconut link if you are interested to see how I did that. In order to toast your own coconut you will need a pan with edges, like a cookie sheet, and some coconut. I just got mine from the bulk section at my local grocery store. It was labeled as "unsweetened" shredded coconut.

Spread out the coconut in a thin layer across your pan. Use as much as you will be able to fit in your pan at one time without it being layered. Turn on your oven to a low bake setting. (I used 200 degrees Fahrenheit). You will need to keep a close eye on your coconut while it is baking because it can get too hot very easily due to the natural oils.

Place pan into oven for 10 minutes or until outer edges of coconut layer becomes a tan color. Remove pan then gently toss coconut. Shake pan to even back out and put back in oven for another 10 minutes. Repeat this step once more or until all coconut is toasted to your liking. Once done, let cool completely then use or store in glass container.

I used toasted coconut and almonds on my most recent batch of date rolls, they were delicious! Let me know if your try this method or if you have found another way that works for you!

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