October 12, 2012

Dehydrator Tray Liners

After dehydrating some food recently I realized it would be nice if the trays had a removable liner or at least the gaps between the plastic was smaller so small things did not fall though. I had seen some other people had liners that looked homemade so I figured I would give it a shot. Homemade tends to be cheaper and that is kind of my thing.

Here is what you will need:
tray, scissors, a marker, plastic canvas

First measure the inside of your tray. Mine measured 13 inches in diameter. The largest plastic canvas I could find at my local craft store was 10.5 inches X 13.5 inches.  So it was just shy of using one sheet. Thankfully the sheets were only $0.59 each. So total this project cost under $5.

Over layed the canvas on my tray then traced
the circle with a permanent marker.

Cut out the half circle then trimmed the edges to fit
inside of the tray without bunching.

Once you have gotten your outer circle fit you can now
 repeat the same method for the inner circle.

You can clean up any marker on the edges with rubbing alcohol. Just make sure to wash your trays before using.

Simple as that you are done!

Repeat this process for the other half of your tray
 and for each subsequent tray in your dehydrator.
If you have a square dehydrator your job is more simple but you will follow the same process. Let me know if you have any other simple solutions or craft / home problems you need help with.
Thanks for reading!
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