October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Today is the day! I have been blogging everyday for the last month. It was a very interesting experience to say the least. I enjoyed being able to make food and projects that I feel inspired to do but usually write down to do "somewhere down the line". The downside to blogging daily is that I don't have enough time or energy in the day to keep up with strong content. I have managed to write at least one post for every day of the month even if it was not posted on the specific day it was meant for. I think I work better with out such a demand. I do love a challenge and I can work well under pressure but it is not how I want to live every day.

I can definitely say that, while I like to write and share my ideas, I would rather spend more time with my family and working on projects. I still am going to keep blogging like I always have but will sleep well knowing I do not NEED to blog tomorrow! Thank you for reading! Check back in soon for some November craft projects and recipes.

~Connect with me ~ 

Facebook : Chee Chee and Company

Youtube : HandmadebyKristen

Twitter: Handmadebykris


  1. I give you a lot of credit for just doing it everyday! I've known others who have blogged everyday and some that just do it all the time! I'm lucky if I blog once a week, LOL!! I don't think I could do it and if I did, there would be some very boring days!!! So congratulations, you did it!!
    Love Di ♥

  2. @ Diana, Thank you! I am proud I made it!I give props to everyone who blogs daily. It is not meant for everyone.
