October 18, 2012

Saving seeds

I do not have a house of my own yet , but my family and I have been trying to prepare for when that time comes for us. One thing I feel is important is knowing where our food comes from. We enjoy planting and harvesting food and know we will have a chance to do that once we get into a home. Until that time we are finding little ways to get in the habit of saving seeds for the following year.

This may seem pointless to some. "You can just buy more seeds next year." I have heard from people when I mention saving seeds but there is no guarantee that the seeds you buy will be available, not genetically modified or are not suicide seeds. For these reasons I am trying to learn how to do it myself. ( If you are not familiar with "Suicide seeds"  it is when the plants are modified to only yield a crop for one season, then you are forced to buy more seeds the following years.) I encourage you to do some research or watch films like Food Inc. for more information on this horrendous practice.

If you want to start saving your own seeds here is some tip on how to get started.

Start by removing the seeds from your fruit or vegetable. I have found that snapping a core of an apple for example will allow you to get the seeds out without worrying about cutting into them with a knife.

 Honeycrisp apple, Golden Delicious apple, Braeburn apple
D'Anjou pear, Gala apple, Granny Smith Apple 

After you get the seeds out, set in dry area for a few days to make sure the moisture is out so they do not mold.

For saving squash seeds I like to use an ice cream scoop to take them out without harming the seeds. It also makes cooking the squash easy because it makes the inside nice and clean with minimal effort. Make sure to wash thoroughly first then set aside to dry.

Once you have prepared your seeds for storage, keep in a envelope or jar. If your seeds are not completely dry it can lead to molding so it is worth keeping them out to dry for an extra day to make sure.

I am by no means an expert in saving seeds so if you are interested you may want to do additional research or speak to someone who has more experience in planting or gardening. Most nurseries and garden store have knowledgeable people there to help you. If you have any questions or topics you would like me to blog about let me know!

Thanks for reading!
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Facebook : Chee Chee and Company

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